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May 19, 2010


Erin lee

I have no idea how they skipped Chuck Smith! And, not that I listen to his program, but it seems that Joel olstein is quite popular. I'm glad they included chuck swindoll and John Mcarthur, two of my personal favorites. I was overall very disappointed with their picks, as most of these pastors have been very uninfluential in my life. But I guess the article isn't titled "the 25 most influential pastors in the past 25 years of Erin's life!"

Bill LaMorey

Yeah, it's sort of a ridiculous omission when you consider some of the people who made the cut. I read a few that made me conclude that the compilers wanted a few obscure and/or contrarian inclusions. Maybe I'm missing something though.

jason t. berggren

I totally agree. Love Driscoll and Keller and all, but I don't think they should be on the list yet.

Bill LaMorey

Funny, I agreed with Keller and understood the reasoning for Keller. Some of the others had me scratching my head.

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